Free shipping on orders above Rs. 1199

5% Extra discount on prepaid orders.

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Our door-to-door shipping service means that all items are sent directly from our warehouse in India to the address you choose. No backorders will be fulfilled. If we discover an item you ordered is out of stock, we will notify you within 2 business days and issue a complete refund.

  • Your order is limited to a single mailing address. So, please place multiple purchases if you wish to have things shipped to different addresses.
  • We offer free shipping for purchases above Rs 999. Use the Order Tracking page to see where your package is in transit.
  • Please contact customer service with your tracking number if your package is marked as undeliverable.
    your query will be submitted to us and our Customer Care executives will connect with you within 24-48 hrs.


We estimate 7-10 working days for delivery.

  • Delivery times vary from state to state, area to area, and pincode to pincode.
  • Order confirmation emails are sent to the email address and Whatsapp number provided by the customer upon placing an order.

How to cancel the order?

If you wish to cancel an order, please note that cancellations can only be processed within the first 24 hours after the order has been placed. For further assistance please contact our customer support team at [] with your order details, including the order number and the items you wish to cancel.

We will do our best to accommodate your request within the specified time frame. Thank you for your understanding.